星期一, 10月 30, 2006

Homework 10-30-2006

1. Do Lab Exponential Function
2. List 5 examples of Fibonacci numbers in nature.


9226363 徐欣隆 ,9326154 翁屴維 ,9326258 歐季佑 ,9326153 陳勝勇 ,9226143 許勝智 ,9226310 黃兆平

Lab Exponential Funtion

Do Project 7 of Chap. 3. (2nd ed.) or Project 4 (1st ed.)

Hint: You don't have to use nested loops.

Lab Fibonacci numbers

Do Project 3.3 Fibonacci numbers.
List the first 100 numbers and the ratio of
a number to its previous number.

Want to know more about Fibonacci number

星期一, 10月 23, 2006

Homework 10-23-2006 Finding the max and the min

Based on your study of Display 3.8, write a code to find the max and min of a list of number.
For example, given 1,3,5, and9, the max is 9 and the min is 1.
Your program should be able to process a list of any length.

Lab Tax Calculation

Study Display 3.1. Based on the income tax rate in Taiwan,
calculate the income tax of a person whose annual income is 1,000,000.

星期一, 10月 16, 2006

Homework 10/16/2006

Due 10/23/2006 18:50
1. Lab Scanner
2. Lab windon input dialog

Lab Scanner

Do Display 2.6 on Page 79.

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.IOException;


Scanner keyboard= new Scanner(System.in);


BufferedReader keyboard= new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));

String inputString = keyboard.readLine();

Lab window input dialog

Use the following command to generate a window input dialog

String myString=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a number: ");

use the following command to convert a string to a number

int myNumber = Integer.parseInt(myString);

and finally use the following command to print the input number to the console

System.out.println("The number is "+ myNumber);

Don't forget the following import command

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

so that Java can recognize JOptionPane library.

星期日, 10月 15, 2006

Lab Get Familiar with Java String

Display 1.7 of Chap. 1

Project 5 of Chap. 1

"tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand"

星期五, 10月 06, 2006


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星期一, 10月 02, 2006

10-2-2006 未帶課本者

由於上課時上機的需要, 同學務必攜帶課本, 你可以向修過這門課的學長借, 無論是第一版或第二版都可以.

以下是本周上課未帶課本的名單, 本學期不可超過三次未帶.